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Places We Love

Cobbs Creek Community Environmental Center

  • Educational
  • Exercise
  • Nature

Cobb's Creek Community Environmental Center is located in 850-acre Cobb's Creek Park in West Philadelphia. It's the largest environmental center in Philadelphia, and features a lab, classroom, exhibit and meeting room, bird feeders, and gardens. The center is located along the Cobb's Creek Trail. Visitors can learn about and experience a variety of habitats including aquatic life, meadows, and wetlands. Follow the trail south through forests and over bridges in and out of Delaware County for a great escape from the city. The center is very accesible from SEPTA bus routes and the Market-Frankford Line. For more info about the Cobb's Creek Trail click here

Bike parking is available at the center. 

Trails: 3.7 mi of paved surface and 2 mi of natural surface. 

This is a NaturePHL site. NaturePHL is a collaborative effort helping Philadelphia children and families achieve better health through activity in local parks, trails, and green spaces.