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Places We Love

Tulpehaking Nature Center at the Abbott Marshlands

  • Educational
  • Exercise
  • Nature

The Abbott Marshlands are 3,000 acres of meandering tidal freshwater streams, rivers, marshes and swamps, and upland forests. Walk where red-winged blackbirds call from the tops of wild rice and cattails and where beaver leave behind signs of their busy activity. Known to archaeologists and wetland biologists from around the world, the Abbott Marshlands provide unexpected biodiversity in a setting layered with echoes from the Indian past and from when the nation was stirring from its European beginnings. There are varied recreational opportunities for visitors to enjoy, including trails on land and through the water.

The Tulpehaking Nature Center, is the main educational gateway to the Abbott Marshlands. Programs and exhibits encourage visitors to discover and explore the Marshlands’ cultural, historic and natural legacy.Bike parking in the mashlands is located in the Nature Center parking lot.

Event Calendar for the Abbott Marshlands and the Tulpehaking Nature Center

Trails: 4 mi, natural surface